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Patch 8.1 Incursions are revealing the Evolution of the Alliance and the Horde in ways Blizzard hasn’t expanded upon before. …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >Patch 8.1 Incursions: Blood Elves Harnessed Thunder King Technology</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
La démo de WOW Classic sera jouable à l'occasion de la BlizzCon 2018. Elle est disponible en pré-téléchargement et les curieux en ont lancé une version atrophiée, pour comparer ses graphismes avec ceux de la version originale de World of Warcraft.
Blizzard Entertainment issued a press release to announce new ways to watch the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket livestream. You can watch …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >BlizzCon Virtual Ticket can be watched via BlizzCon TV App and Launcher</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
Blizzard Entertainment deployed the Battle for Azeroth PTR 8.1 build 28202 today in the afternoon. The patch was 978MB+ in …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >Battle for Azeroth PTR 28202</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
Une première démo jouable de WOW Classic sera jouable en marge de la BlizzCon 2018. On pourra y explorer les Tarides et la Marche de l'Ouest, avec des personnages de niveau 15 à 19.
The latest Battle for Azeroth PTR 8.1 (28151) introduced the Blood Elf Heritage Armor. It can be found in the …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >Battle for Azeroth PTR 8.1 (28151)</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
At the New York Comic Con, The Women of AFK panelists discussed different topics ranging from HALO, HelloNeighbor, FiveNightsAtFreddys and …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >NYCC 2018 Women of AFK panel (Scholastic): Warcraft: Traveler</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
Before unlocking access to the Warfront: Darkshore scenario, players go through a single-player questline that lays the ground for why …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >Patch 8.1 Warfront: Darkshore Scenario Questline</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
I hate being negative. I especially hate it with just how toxic the community has gotten on places like MMO-Champion, …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >The 8.1 Darkshore Quests are Really Bad</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
Not sure what this questline is attached to in terms of Horde Story Achievement, but the latest PTR build introduced …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >Patch 8.1 – The Hunt for Saurfang</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
The Dwarf Heritage Armor questline starts in Stormwind City at the Stormwind Embassy (54.57,18.18) — given by an Explorer League …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1 – Dwarf Heritage Armor Questline</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
Battle for Azeroth, la septième extension de World of Warcraft, est sortie le 14 août 2018. On réalise ici un petit compte rendu de cette nouvelle arrivée, mais un peu plus profond qu'un test en mode découverte. Le patch 8.1 arrive doucement, et les...
I have been telegraphing this for a long time since Legion, when Sylvanas stroke a bargain with Helya. Still it …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >SPOILERS & Speculation: Forsaken Character Customization</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
The Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1 introduces the Warfront: Darkshore, which according to Ion Hazzikostas, focuses on the Night Elves …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >World of Warcraft Patch 8.1 Warfront: Darkshore Questline</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
As explained by Ion Hazzikostas, Incursions are like the Legion Invasion world quests, which interrupt the normal flow of daily …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >World of Warcraft Patch 8.1 – Incursion World Quests</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
Activision Blizzard named World of Warcraft executive producer J. Allen Brack as the new president of Blizzard Entertainment. Former CEO …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >Activision Blizzard Names J. Allen Brack As New President of Blizzard Entertainment</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
Blizzard Entertainment has released the full schedule for BlizzCon 2018 revealing there is absolutely something new coming from the Diablo …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >BlizzCon 2018 Schedule Available</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
While playing in Heroic Island Expeditions, a message pop onscreen alerting that mists had begun to engulf the isle and …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >Battle for Azeroth Reveals Helya is Alive and Getting Stronger</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
Microsoft has officially announced Keyboard and Mouse Support for Xbox One developers at the platform level for those in the …read more
The post <a href= target=_blank >Opinion: World of Warcraft on Xbox One Closer to Reality</a> appeared first on Blizzplanet.
Début novembre, les participants de la BlizzCon 2018 pourront découvrir la première zone de WOW Classic dans le cadre d'une démo -- jouable sur place en Anaheim, mais aussi téléchargeable pour les titulaires d'un billet virtuel.
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